Lutz Elementary

Parent Involvement Information
How do they get involved?
We encourage all parents to take an active interest in their child's education. This is the greatest motivator for students to do well in school. Simply contacting your child's classroom teacher is the easiest way. Every classroom teacher will provide a weekly memo to keep parents informed of upcoming activities and events taking place in the classroom, building, or district. A building newsletter is also available on the district website which includes all upcoming events held at Lutz School. Volunteering in the classroom is another way to get involved. All grade levels can use parent volunteers, or even grandparent volunteers, to assist the classroom teachers. Stop by for a visit or contact your child's teacher to find out more information. We appreciate and encourage parents to take an active role in their child's academic success!
Lutz School provides many opportunities for parents to get involved. The Lutz School PTO is a great way to meet other parents and keep current on school happenings. This group meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 6:00 P.M. in the gym. Our PTO sponsors many fund raisers which provide many opportunities for our students. Other activities at Lutz which require parent involvement include Santa Shop, Fall Festival, Book Fairs, Watch D.O.G.S., and Field Day. Please call the school office if you are willing to donate some of your time to these causes and we will put you in contact with the right person.
Points of Contact
Dr. Lori Pierce, Principal
Mrs. Lisa Fox, Secretary