Roscoe the Little Giant
COVID-19 Information

COVID-19 Information

COVID-19 Reporting Information

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announced on August 27, 2020 an Ohio Department of Health order that requires K-12 schools to establish a mechanism for parents and guardians to report confirmed cases of COVID-19 among their children. In that order is the responsibility of each school district to make publicly available non-identifying information about positive COVID-19 cases.

Director of Student Services, Abby Abernathy, is the District’s COVID-19 Coordinator per state order.  She is responsible for tracking all COVID-19 positive cases and reporting confirmed cases to the Sandusky County Health Department. In order to expedite contact tracing and avert any further transmission of COVID-19 we are asking parents/guardians of all Fremont students to please call the nurse line at their child’s respective school building to report positive tests and/or cases of COVID-19 no later than twenty-four hours after receiving a positive test and/or diagnosis.

Within 24 hours of Fremont City Schools becoming aware of a student, teacher, staff member, or coach who has tested positive or been diagnosed with COVID-19, Fremont will notify staff and families via FinalForms of a positive test or case of all students or staff who share a classroom space or have participated in a school activity during the COVID-19 infectious period of a student, teacher, staff member, or coach.

Please contact Mrs. Abernathy with any questions or concerns you may have for your student(s). She can be reached by phone at 419-334-3871 or by email at